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Indu Lagna

According to ancient jyotish texts, the Indu lagna shows the sources of wealth for an individual. The planets on the Indu lagna, 11th, 2nd, planets in kendras, or planets aspecting the Indu lagna, are able to provide wealth to the person.

The Indu lagna is computed as follows:
1. Determine the lord of the 9th house from the lagna.

2. Determine the lord of the 9th house from the Moon.

3. Assign a value to the lords found above by using the following scores: 30, 16, 6, 8, 10, 12, 1 (starting from the Sun to Saturn).

4. Add the values assigned to the lords of the 9th houses.
5. Divide the total by 12 and determine the remainder of the computation.
6. Count the number of the remainder from the position of the Moon.

Thus, the Indu lagna is determined.

According to the interpretations made by Dr. KS Charak, author of “Elements of Vedic Astrology”, all of the planets are capable of providing wealth to an individual provided that they are located at the houses mentioned in the previous text. Accordingly, the planets located on the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 12th from the Indu Lagna cannot provide such wealth, unless they aspect the Indu Lagna.

In practical terms, the jyotishi needs to synthesize the information from this perspective with the indicators provided from the rest of the chart. As such, the jyotishi can have a fair evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the person’s life.

What is Indu Lagna? How is it used in predictive astrology?

The Tamizh authority, “Jataka Alankaram” gives rules for determining Indu Lagna. Kala values of planets are as follows: Sun:30; Moon:16; Mars:6; Mercury:8; Jupiter:10; Venus:12; Saturn:1. The Kala of the Ninth lord from Lagna, and that of the Ninth lord from the moon should be added and the total divided by 12. The remainder, counted from the moon’s Rasi in the horoscope, leads us to Indu Lagna.

For a Dhanu Lagna, Thula Rasi native, e.g., the 9th lord is the sun with Kala value 30; the lord of the Ninth from Thula is Mercury, whose Kala is 8. The total is 38. This is divided by 12. The remainder is 2. From Thula Rasi, the second Sign is Vrischika, which is the Indu Lagna for this horoscope.


Pandit Dhundhi Raaj, the writer of Jatak Bharnam, having studied the ‘Samhita Granthas’ has spoken of the effects of every ‘Samvatsara’ on an individual while their effects have greater importance in the context of all people. By generalising the effects of the Samvatsara (year), month, fortnight, tithi (lunar date) and day, much knowledge may be gained about the inclination or tendency, manner or way of life, economic condition, health, achievements and longevity etc. of every native.
‘Samvatsara’ roughly means the period of one full year. The time in which the Planet Jupiter with his average speed crosses the journey of one sign is referred to as ‘Samvatsara’. There occur twelve (12) Samvatsaras when Jupiter completes one complete round of the Zodiac. While moving in the Zodiac, Jupiter happens to reach sometimes near the Earth and sometimes far away from it. Besides, it also comes in contact with auspicious or inauspicious rays during its journey. It is because of this fact that the effects of every ‘Samvatsara’ become different. Sixty Samvatsaras repeat again and again in a cycle. At the beginning of creation Jupiter and Saturn were on the zero degree of Aries. The average daily motion of Saturn is two (2) Kalas (minutes). Therefore, it takes full thirty (30) years in revolving around the Zodiac. The average daily motion of Jupiter is five (5) Kalas, (minutes). Therefore it takes full twelve (12) years in completing its journey in the twelve (12) signs of the Zodiac. The L.C.M. (LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE) of 30 and 12 is sixty (60). Therefore, at every sixty (60) years both the Planets reach the same zero degree (0°) of the sign of Aries. In this journey the various angles that are formed between Jupiter and Saturn have their influence on the effects of the Samvatsaras. As a matter of fact no other relationship of the other Planets affects an individual, a place or a country so much as the mutual angular relationship of Saturn and Jupiter.
Major delineations of ‘Bhrigu Samhita’ seem to have been based on the relationship of these two Planets. In the books on ‘Siddhanta Jyotisha’ (Astronomy) the Samvatsaras have been counted 60 beginning from the Samvatsara named ‘Vijaya’ and going down to, that named ‘Nandana’ (the 60th Samvatsara). But ‘Varahamihira’ in ‘Brihat Samhita’ has regarded the beginning of the Samvatsara cycle, not from the ‘Vijaya’, but from the 35th Samvatsara of ‘Prabhava’. Since Varahamihira’s times it is this sequence which has been accepted.


1. Prabhava: The native born in the ‘Prabhava Samvatsara’ is intent on or is in readiness for the collection of all kinds of things, is blessed with many sons, has excellent intellect, enjoys all kinds of comforts and has a long span of life.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Prabhava (1987-1988 AD) will be daring, truthful, possessed of every virtue, proficient in astrology and pious.

2. Vibhava: The native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vibhava’ enjoys things which are meant to be consumed (foods, drinks etc.) is extremely beautiful, strong and intelligent, knows the mysteries of arts, is like a king in his family (the chief of the family), good mannered, cultured and very learned.  

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vibhava (1988-1989 AD) will be lustful, pure, constantly cheerful and will have prodigious wealth, relatives, learning and fame.

Notes: ‘Vibhava’ means grandeur, pomp, majesty (or prosperous state). It also implies excessiveness (the state of having too much). The native having his birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vibhava’ gets his name in the first place in the field which is chosen by him as his field of action. There is complete absence of bitterness in his disposition or nature as bitterness is given to one by want or poverty. Or the fear of losing what one has acquired also gives birth to bitterness and ‘Vibhava’ is opposed to want or poverty. The native born in the Samvatsara of ‘Vibhava’ is rational, without bigotry or fanaticism and without ostentation or show and is also endowed with scientific point of view.
According to another text: ‘Maan Saagri’, the native having his birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vibhava’ has disposition like that of a woman, restlessness in his nature, is a robber or smuggler, is wealthy and doer of good to others.

3. Shukla: The native whose birth occurs in the Samvatsara of Shukla always remains joyful, is extremely generous, has excellent qualities, is blessed with sons and wife, full of grandeur and prosperity, endowed with good fortune, and learning and humility.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Shukla (1989-1990 AD) will be an adulterer, effete, but liberal and intelligent.

Notes: The native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Shukla’ is generally clean hearted and pure. He has always an inclination towards acquiring knowledge. Such a person has no enemy around him and he himself does not have enmity with anyone. According to ‘Jataka Parijata’ such a native is intelligent and wise, has spirit of renunciation and seduces some other man’s wife.
In ‘Maansaagri’ the native born in the Samvatsara of ‘Shukla’ has been spoken of as a victim of poverty.

4. Pramoduta: The native who has his birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Pramod’ is the giver of alms (or charity), blessed with the joy of having sons, enjoys pleasure, is extremely beautiful, truthful, has good qualities, is skilful, deceptive, doer of good to others and proud.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Pramoduta (1990-1991 AD) will be clever in councel, business like, and voluble in speech.
Notes: The literal meaning of the word ‘Pramod’ is joy, happiness and comfort. Therefore, it is quite natural that the native having his birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Pramoduta’ should have qualities in consonance with its name (Pramod). Here indication has been made of his (native’s) having the bad trait of deceptiveness. But it seems to be a contradiction that the person who is known for his truthfulness, good qualities, skilfulness, doing good to others should also have the bad trait of deceptiveness. Deceptiveness and truthfulness are really opposed to each other. But it may be concluded that such a person would be very skilled in getting his work done in one way or the other. The author of ‘Jataka Parijata’ speaks of such a person to be extremely devoted to his work.

5. Prajothpatti: The native having his birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Prajothpatti’ is proud of being the husband of a wife who is endowed with good qualities, always kind hearted, practises the religion of his family, has excellent nature, does reverence to a god, Brahmin and his teachers, and is courteous.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Prajothpatti (1991-1992 AD) will be virtuous, bounteous, rich in sons and of a tranquil disposition.

Notes: Such a native has in addition to the above virtues the very important and distinguishing quality of creativity. Due to the joy which is derived from creating something new, the person does not experience the pain arising from worldly matters. Therefore the entrance of any pain in his life is almost an impossibility.
According to ‘Maan Saagri’, such a native has many issues, is the chief of a big family and is wealthy.

6. Āngirasa: The native who is in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Āngirasa’ is endowed with beauty, is happy, has all the objects of enjoyment, self-pride, is sweet- spoken and blessed with many sons, keeps his thoughts (plans) secret in a proper way and is long-lived.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Āngirasa (1992-1993 AD) will be rich, sagacious, experienced and ever compassionate.

Notes: According to ‘Maan Saagri’ such a native performs religious rites in a proper way , knows the rules as laid down in ‘Dharma Shastras’ (Scriptures), has the knowledge of the Vedas and pays respect to guests and friends.
According to the author of ‘Jataka Parijata’, he is politic, prudent, skilful, always kind hearted and wealthy. Besides, such a native generally likes to eat satwik food, eats extremely sweet foods, has additional inclination (interest) towards the opposite sex and there is fearlessness in his disposition.

7. Shrīmukha: The native whose birth takes place in the “Samvatsara’ of ‘Shrīmukha’ is wealthy, valorous, energetic, knows a number of ‘Shastras’, has affection for his friends, is endowed with truthful intellect, has physical strength, has good fame and is extremely generous.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Shrīmukha (1993-1994 AD) longs for women not his own, is honest and wealthy.

Notes: According to ‘Maan Saagri’ such a native is a trader of the articles of metal and adopts the way of dissimulation in accomplishing or effecting his work (object).
The author of Jataka Parijat also makes a somewhat contradictory statement about such a native and says that a native born in this ‘Samvatsara’ because of having a desire of sexual intercourse with some other man’s wife is endowed with a flirting mind.
Thus, in spite of the different statements in different books about such a native there is at least agreement on fact that the native born in the Samvatsara of Shrīmukha is wealthy, honoured and enjoys all kinds of enjoyable things.

8. Bhāva: The native whose birth occurs in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Bhāva’ has a splendid or magnificent mind, is very famous, is endowed with good qualities, is ready to give alms, is courteous, always remains happy and is endeared to many.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Bhāva (1994-1995 AD) will be an ascetic, a king-maker, and renowned for his vast wealth and strength.

Notes: Such a native is regarded as having a lofty or high conduct. His heart is full of generosity and intelligence, he squanders away affinity with great love for one and all. His halo (or ring of light around the head of man) contains energy in his whole life.
In the view of the author of ‘Jataka Parijata’ such a native is an ascetic, engaged in government work, is exceptionally wealthy, is illustrious and strong.
As per, ‘Maan Saagri’ such a native has liking for flesh and fish also.

9. Yuva: The native who is blessed with birth in the’Samvatsara’ of  ‘Yuva’ is the direct incarnation of happiness, is endowed with good qualities, is courteous, peaceful, bountiful or generous, full of erudition or learning, long-lived, has a very hard and firm body and is contented.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Yuva (1995-1996 AD) will be covetous, fickle-minded, ill-tempered, possessing a constitution, little liable to illness and acquainted with the healing art.

Notes: In consonance with the name the native born in this ‘Samvatsara’ is always in good health, has a strong and powerful body. But it is not known why in ‘MaanSaagri’ such a native has been spoken of as subjected to disease and pains. Besides, it has also been mentioned that he remains distressed due to his wife and has fear from water. Additionally, in the ‘Samhita Granthas’ it has been stated that due to his having a youthful body many beautiful women remain prepared to entrust their youth (their youthful bodies) to him.

10. Dhāta: Due to having birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Dhāta’ the native has pride of possessing all kinds of good qualities, is extremely beautiful, devoted to his ‘guru’ (teacher), skilled in craft or art and courteous and good-mannered.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Dhāta (1996-1997 AD) will be addicted to other people's wives and a crafty lawyer.

Notes: The literal meaning of the word ‘Dhāta’ is ‘Vidhāta’ (Lord Brahama, who is the Creator and Ordainer of the Universe). The word is also indicative of the Trimurti’ — Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha — or Trinity according to the Hindu Mythology. If such a native is related to the world of craft or art, miscellaneous or various dimensions are distinctly and clearly seen in his work. The work accomplished by him gives the appearance or likeness of completeness. In ‘Maan Saagri’ the effects of birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Dhāta’ are described in the above manner. But the effects of birth in this ‘Samvatsara’ as described in ‘Jataka Parijat´ are quite opposed to those described above. There such a native has been spoken of as one who has attachment or attraction towards some one else’s wife, is stupid or foolish and engaged in controversy.

11. Īshvara: The native whose birth occurs in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Īshvara’ gets angry very soon (that is, he is short tempered), is full of joy, has good qualities in him, is valorous, skilful and sagacious, skilled in arts and is courteous.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Īshvara (1997-1998 AD) will be prosperous, steady-minded, and a good judge of merit.

Notes: A native born in this ‘Samvatsara’ gets angry very soon only when something occurs which is contrary to his view or interest, otherwise he generally remains joyful.
In ‘Maan Saagri’ very excellent effects have been stated for the native whose birth occurs in this ‘Samvatsara’. Such a native is wealthy, enjoys all kinds of physical or bodily pleasures, has interest in rearing cattle, but he earns wealth by remaining within the prescribed limits of religion. He has exceptional sexual desire. In ‘Jataka-Parijata’ an additional quality of appreciating or discerning the virtues of others, has also been mentioned for such a native.

12. Bahudhānya: The native having birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Bahudhānya’ is wise in trade, respected by royalty (government), charitable, suffers from pride, knows the essential nature (or secrets) of the ‘Shastras’ and possesses many kinds of wealth and grains (physical comforts).

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Bahudhānya (1998-1999 AD) will be a rich merchant, beneficent and voluptuous.

13. Pramāthi: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Pramāthi’ is endowed with chariots, flag, umbrella, horses, is engrossed in the study of Shastras, is killer of his enemy, minister of the king and has knowledge of the Vedas.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Pramāthi (1999-2000 AD) will be cruel, addicted to evil, hot tempered, friendless but living in comfort.

Notes: ‘Pramāthi’ is that man who is endowed with the virtue of a soldier. Such a person has the tendency of achieving his mission by means of force and does not give support to any other policy than that of harsh policy. The chariots, flag umbrella and horses mentioned in the Shloka are the indications of this fact that the native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Pramāthi’ is a high official of the royal army. Flag and umbrella indicate royal insignia. Chariots and horses are replaced in the modern times by the fast and powerful conveyances and by planes and missiles which have to be employed in the modern warfare. Here the effects described are opposed to those which are stated in ‘Maan Saagri’ according to which such a native has attachment (illegal) with some other man’s wife and wealth, is an addict and is a gambler.
The effects however, described in ‘Yawana-Jataka’: that is , the native born in the Samvatsara of ‘Pramāthi’ is an army soldier, minister of the king, recipient of gift, bears a bow (and arrows) knows the Shastras and amasses wealth, things which are blame worthy, remains in the company of men of vicious or wicked conduct, accomplishes things for others, has many wives, is dirty (base), lazy and avaricious (greedy).

14. Vikrama: The native who is born during the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vikrama’ remains engaged in doing extremely terrible or fierce deeds, is skilled in attacking the enemy’s army, is a warrior or champion, has patience and endurance, is extremely generous and valorous or powerful.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vikrama (2000-2001 AD) will be wealthy and valiant and command an army.

Notes: The word ‘Vikrama’ means strength, bravery or valour. The effects indicative of these virtues have been referred to in the ‘Shloka’. Such a native is capable of doing even the hardest work and he is always eager and ready also for it . If such a person has got the position of a high official under the King (or in the government), then his term of service is spent in executing the various plans and schemes of the king (or the government).

15. Vrusha: The native having birth in the Samvatsara’ of ‘Vrusha’ praises the work done by his own self, does things which are blameworthy, remains in the company of men of vicious or wicked conduct, accomplishes things for others, has many wives, is dirty (base), lazy and avaricious (greedy).

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vrusha (2001-2002 AD) will be a pauper, lost to all sense of shame and engaged in doing what is wrong.

16. Chitrabhānu: The native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Chitrabhānu’ is fond of (wearing) various kinds of clothes and flowers, has a heart or mind which is full of different ambitions, is good natured and is endowed with crafts or arts.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Chitrabhānu (2002-2003 AD) will have the energy and the beauty of the lord of the day.

17. Svabhānu: The native getting birth in the Samvatsara of ‘Svabhānu’ has curly hair, simple nature, beautiful form (body), is the conqueror of the enemy side, wise, courteous, has smiling joyful face and is endowed with splendour or magnificence.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Svabhānu (2003-2004 AD) will have the learning, conduct and virtue characteristic of his tribe or race.

18. Tārana: If there is birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Tārana’, the native is deceitful or cunning but is valiant (warrior or champion) or heroic, restless, well versed (skilled) in arts and crafts, extremely harsh and cruel, doer of those things which are the object of hatred, consumer of those things which are obtained by him and is endowed with wealth.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Tārana (2004-2005 AD) will possess exceeding wealth and strength and will be a philosopher.

Notes: The compound word in the verse is full of much meaning. Here Pandit Dhundhi Raj wants to say that though such a native is wealthy but he is not the hoarder of things; he has the tendency of consuming things obtained by him.
According to ‘Maan Saagri’ such a native is popular, is boycotted or ostracized by the people of all religions, that is, he has atheistic attitude towards religion, is employed in state service and earns wealth through this very means.

19. Pārthiva: The native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Pārthiva’ performs the rites of his religion (with reverence), is well versed (learned) in the excellent Shastras, is a perfected hand (skilled) in the field of arts, sensual or pleasure-loving and is the chief of his family.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Pārthiva (2005-2006 AD) will be a king unequalled for his prosperity and happiness.

Notes: The native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Parthiva’ is very much conscious of accomplishing or fulfilling the customs and conventions of his country. It is contrary to his nature that he should give even a little relaxation in this regard. He is a follower of tradition and his conduct is in accordance with the Shastras. He does not have even a little attraction towards novelty.

20. Vyaya: The native getting birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vyaya’ is very much engrossed in enjoying worldly pleasures, subjected to addictions (like drinking), fearless in begging from someone, that is, always ready to beg without any hesitation and therefore always remains in debt, is restless and has a tendency of spending much.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vyaya (2006-2007 AD) will be lustful, cowardly, immoral, staking his property in gambling, and addicted to wickedness.

Notes: Such a native does not have the tendency of amassing (collecting) wealth for the needs of hard times. He has the habit of asking loans even to the limits of shamelessness and due to his habit of spending too much always remains in debt.

21. Sarvajith: The native who gets birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Sarvajith’ is honoured by the king, always celebrates very great functions and is pure. He has a huge body. He is a conqueror of the king as well as his enemies.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Sarvajith (2007-2008 AD) will be eloquent, possessed of great physical strength, versed in sacred scriptures, virtuous, and conversant with the real nature of things.

Notes: Huge body means that the limbs of his body are relatively bigger in size. According to ‘Samhita Granthas’ such a native is wise and intelligent but proud. He always thinks to establish his supremacy or lordship over those who are weaker than him.

22. Sarvadhāri: If the birth occurs in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Sarvadhāri’ the native is the master of a retinue of servants and he enjoys many kinds of comforts and pleasures. He is endowed with beauty, likes sweet foods, has patience and endurance and obeys (follows) traditions and conventions.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Sarvadhāri (2008-2009 AD) will be well-to-do, versed in the arts and liked by kings.

23. Virodhi: One who is born in the ‘Samvatsara' of ‘Virodhi’ is an eloquent speaker, wanders in foreign lands, does not give joy and happiness to his own people (people belonging to his family), is extremely deceitful or cunning and does not develop relationship or friendship with the people.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Virodhi (2009-2010 AD) will be afflicted, delighting in the company of the wicked and addicted to sinful deeds and cruel.

24. Vikruti: The native whose birth occurs in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vikruti’ is subjected to poverty, is certainly horrible looking, has a tall body, is given to pride and is lacking in wisdom and intelligence and does not establish friendship with anyone.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vikruti (2010-2011 AD) will be full of guile, love-sick, and devoting his mind to magic formularies and their practical application in ceremonies.

25. Khara: One who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Khara’ is lustful, dirty in his body, speaker of very harsh and loud words without any reason or purpose, is given to quarrelling, is shameless and possesses a huge body.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Khara (2011-2012 AD) will be unattractive, worthless, depressed in speech, sinful and mischievous.

26. Nandana: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Nandana’ gets water tank, well, dug and gets constructed Dharamshala (a lodge for the stay of pilgrims). He is always interested in donating grains as alms . He has pure heart and remains happy as he has wife and sons.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Nandana (2012-2013 AD) will delight every body, enjoy the favour of kings and will be conversant with the meaning of the sacred hymns in scripture.

27. Vijaya: The native whose birth occurs in the ‘Samvatsara’ named ‘Vijaya’ shows bravery and valour during war, is of good conduct, is honoured by the king, is an excellent speaker, bountiful, kind hearted and killer of his enemy.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vijaya (2013-2014 AD) will be virtuous, and will abound in real excellences.

Notes: Such a native is very conscious with regard to his aims and objects and ambitions. He procures these in any way, no matter what measures he has to adopt for it. He believes in removing the obstacles in the way of achieving his aims and objects in a very cruel way and by a clever device. He does not care even if some one suffers loss from it. According to ‘Jataka Parijat’ such a native is religious, truthful and is prosperous. And the author of ‘Maan Saagri’ also praises the native having his birth in the Samvatsara of ‘Vijaya’. He points out. “Such a native gets fame, long life, glory or honour, happiness, success in all his efforts, is a hero or champion in the war and is invincible or unconquerable by his enemy, that is, such a native gets victory in war, has the happiness from wife, obtains the auspicious and inauspicious effects due to his friend and enemy and is involved in trade.

28. Jaya: The native who is born in the ‘Samvastsara’ of ‘Jaya’ is the doer of ‘Shastrartha’ (doctrinal debate and discussion) on the subject of ‘Shastras’ with the learned persons (learned in religion), is honoured in the world, is bountiful and generous, destroyer of the enemies, has a longing or desire of getting victory, is engrossed in worldly or sensual enjoyment and is very resplendent or shining.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Jaya (2014-2015 AD) will be either a king or like a king.

Notes: Such a person is endowed with every kind of joy and comfort. He is born in the midst of prosperity, passes his whole life in prosperity and leaves this world in prosperity. His life is full to the brim with all kinds of means of enjoyment. The pride of success, the peace arising due to the satisfaction of his desires, dignity of having knowledge, and the feeling of perfection or completeness, all these may be easily experienced (seen) on his face.

29. Manmatha: If there is birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Manmatha’, the native is adorned with ornament of special kind, gets sensuous pleasure with woman, is sweet-spoken, always remains engaged in singing and dancing and is voluptuous (one who enjoys the pleasures of the senses).

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Manmatha (2015-2016 AD) will have a craving for sensual enjoyment and will be victorious over his foes.

Notes: ‘Manmatha’ is the god of Love (cupid) or the god of sexual desire. In our ‘Puranas’, ‘Kamdeva’ (Manmatha) has been identified with the deity or god of the arts of dancing, music etc. As said, the native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Manmatha’ is handsome, delicate, given to sensuality (gratification of sexual desire), serene or mild, sweet-spoken and a lover of ornaments. His way of doing things (his style) is extremely beautiful. He is a lover of beauty. His aesthetic sense is excellent. He is naturally amorous by disposition. He gets honour in society due to his serenity or modesty, courtesy (proper or good conduct), sociableness, balanced thoughts, wisdom and intelligence, understanding and discerning or critical point of view. Such a native is not subjected to any want (or poverty).

30. Durmukhi: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Durmukhi’ is cruel, of cheating nature, is endowed with reprehensible or blameworthy mentality, is avaricious, has a curved mouth and curved hands and feet, remains engrossed in sins, has ideas which are opposed to those of others and is extremely villainous and wicked.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Durmukhi (2016-2017 AD) will be void of virtue and wealth and will be immoral.

Notes: The word “Durmukha’ means ‘one who has an ugly face’. It is due to this that such a native has been spoken of as having curved mouth and curved hands and feet. Besides this, curvedness or crookedness is there on the intellectual plane as well. It is almost impossible that such a native should agree to the thoughts and ideas which are accepted by one and all.

31. Hevilambi: If the birth is there in the ‘Samvastsara of ‘Hevilambi’ or ‘Hemalambi’, the native is endowed with horse, means of conveyance which is costly, of high speed and four wheeled, gold, clothes, wealth and grains and gems. He has the happiness of having a good wife and sons and he has the tendency of collecting all kinds of material things (for comfort and convenience).

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Hemalambi (2017-2018 AD) will be ill-natured and will ardently pursue agricultural and other operations.

Notes: The Hindi word ‘Hema’ is the synonym of ‘Suwarana’ or gold. Such natives are generally seekers of comfort and happiness. They have materialistic point of view and are very successful in worldly matters. They proceed towards prosperity right from their young age. They have the tendency to bring to their homes even the costliest of things. They regard their own comfort and happiness as of prime importance. Such a person is respected in society only due to his prosperity or richness. Otherwise he is very miserly. Such a person is of little use to anyone when his help is needed or when an occasion to help others arrives.
According to the writer of ‘Jataka Parijata’ such a native is pure and clean, peaceful, extremely adroit or skilled, honoured everywhere due to his virtues, is beneficent, one who remains engaged or busy in religious debates or discussions and is the husband of an ugly-faced wife. The native is of wicked soul, and has a desire to do agricultural and such other works.
But according to the author of ‘Jataka Parijata’ such a native is devoid of virtues, wealth and good conduct.

32. Vilambi: The native whose birth occurs in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vilambi’ is deceitful, extremely avaricious or greedy, lazy, phlegmatic (that is, his predominant humour is Phlegm), weak, fatalist and has the habit of speaking without purpose, serviceable, defeated by his wife, contented, keeps his thoughts secret, and is of restless nature.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vilambi (2018-2019 AD) will be prosperous, resorted to by the Brahmana community and disinterestedly benevolent.

33. Vikāri: The native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vikāri’ is extremely stubborn (obstinate), skilled or experienced in all the arts, has a tendency to collect things, a restless mind, is deceitful or cunning, has the habit of speaking too much and without purpose and does not have belief in his friends.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vikāri (2019-2020 AD) will be sickly, cowardly, indigent, irresolute and of an ignoble nature.

34. Shārvari: The native who has birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Shārvari’ is skilled or experienced in trade activities, is sensual or pleasure-loving, is not conformable to or in accord with friends and remains engaged in acquiring the knowledge of many branches of Learning.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Shārvari (2020-2021 AD) will have exceeding wealth and enjoyment and will be cheerful, honest and well-behaved.

35. Plava: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Plava’ is extremely voluptuous (has excessive sexual desire), wealthy, gets respect due to his being serviceable, defeated by his wife, contented, keeps his thoughts secret, and is of restless nature.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Plava (2021-2022 AD) will be tranquil, generous, compassionate, brave and devoted to his own duties.

36. Shubhakruth: The native getting birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Shubhakruth’ is endowed with good fortune, learning, courtesy or humility and excellent virtuous deeds, is long-lived and has many sons and much wealth and property.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Shubhakruth (2022-2023 AD) will be dupe of women, but learned, handsome and intelligent.

Notes: ‘Shubhakruth’ may be spoken as ‘Shubha’ also. ‘Shubha’ means auspicious or good and ‘Shubhakruth’ means the doing of the deeds of auspiciousness or goodness. Such a native has religious ideas and he performs religious and virtuous deeds also. Besides this, he is adroit or skilled in the work he performs.

37. Shobhakruth: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Shobhakruth’ makes progress in every field. He is handsome looking, has excellent virtues, is kind-hearted, and doer of good deeds. Specially he gets victory or success in the battle of life. He is endowed with brilliance, courtesy or humility, has beautiful eyes and is skilful.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Sobhakrit (2023-2024 AD) will be wise, possessed of royal virtues and fond of learned pursuits.

Notes: This ‘Samvatsara’ is known as ‘Shobhana’ also. The meaning of the words ‘Shobhana’ and ‘Shobhakruth’ is the same, because the meaning of both is beautiful, excellent and auspicious. The words beauty and brilliance are synonyms of it. The author of ‘Jataka Parijata’ uses the word ‘Sobhakrit’ instead of ‘Shobhakruth'.The meaning of term ‘Sobhakrit’ is an auspicious composition. Here also its effects are said to be of becoming learned, a king, a man of virtue and endowed with learning and education.

38. Krodhi: The native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Krodhi’ is cruel-eyed, cruel natured, has great love for his wife and is dear to her, is extremely haughty or proud, puts obstacles in the way of some other person and is hot tempered or prone to anger.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Krodhi (2024-2025 AD) will be an adulterer, addicted to evil ways, crafty and of an angry temperament.

Notes: The term cruel-eyed should be taken to mean as one casting sinful eye (on women). In ‘Maan Saagri’ such a native has been spoken of as having interest in science and in collecting roots and herbs.

39. Vishvāvasu: The native whose birth has occurred in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Vishvāvasu’ is blessed with a virtuous wife and son, is excessively generous, has excellent conduct, excessive patience and endurance, likes sweet foods and is endowed with all the virtues.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Vishvāvasu (2025-2026 AD) will have a high sense of honour, will be fond of the comic and will evince admiration for those who are rich in moral worth.

40. Parābhava: He whose birth has occurred in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Parābhava’ can hardly make accumulation of wealth, is the speaker of bitter or harsh words, is devoid of good conduct and is stupid.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Parābhava (2026-2027 AD) will be engaged in wickedness and will prove the ruiner of his family.

41. Plavanga: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Plavanga’ is volatile or of restless mind, does not have a desire to do good deeds, is deceitful, devoid of good conduct, thoughtless and has a weak body.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Plavanga (2027-2028 AD) will be lustful, fond of relatives, evincing a partiality for children and slow-witted.

42. Kīlaka: The native who is born in ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Kīlaka’ is of medium or average handsomeness (that is, he is neither very much beautiful nor very much ugly), is sweet-spoken, kind hearted, has love for water, has very fat legs, beautiful forehead, is strong and destroyer of his enemies.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Kīlaka (2028-2029 AD) will devote himself to divine worship and will be exceedingly fortunate and valiant.

43. Saumya: If the birth is there in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Saumya’, the native is destined to be a pandit or learned-man, wealthy, very sensual (or given to worldly pleasures) has love for his deity or god and his guest, is pure, is endowed with Sattwika habits and a weak body, reputation through the medium of trade.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Saumya (2029-2030 AD) will be tranquil, universally popular, exceedingly wealthy and firm-minded.

44. Sādhārana: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Sādhārana’ has love for wandering here and there, is talented in writing, has discrimination or prudence, is given to anger, is pure and is detached or free from worldly pleasures.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Sādhārana (2030-2031 AD) will be versed in various branches of learning and will possess a sound understanding.

45. Virodhikrita: The native whose birth falls in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Virodhikrita’ remains engrossed in the worship of Lord Shiva, is given to anger, quarrels with or opposes many and neglects his father.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Virodhikrita (2031-2032 AD) will be credulous, ill-tempered, indigent and given to wandering.

46. Paridhāvi: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Paridhāvi’ is learned, courteous, adroit in the field of arts, wise and honoured in the king’s court.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Paridhāvi (2032-2033 AD) will be ill-behaved, harsh in speech, and possessed of wealth.

47. Pramādicha: The man who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Pramādicha’ is villainous or wicked, proud, quarrelsome, avaricious or greedy, has great love for his own men, is destined to be poor, has weaker intellect and is the doer of deeds which are reprehensible or blame worthy.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Pramādicha (2033-2034 AD) will estrange his relatives, and will long for women not his own.

48. Ānanda: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Ānanda’ has a number of wives, is skilful, excessively adroit, is always endowed with the happiness of having a son, is learned, has sense of gratitude or thankfulness, is courteous and liberal or bountiful.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Ānanda (2034-2035 AD) will be of a joyous temperament, will be devoted to the study of traditional doctrines and sacred scriptures and will be acquainted with the real nature of all things.

49. Rākshasa: The native whose birth occurs in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Rākshasa’ is extremely cruel or malefic, doer of reprehensible or blameworthy deeds, quarrelsome, devoid of religion and thoughtfulness, cruel and also courageous.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Rākshasa (2035-2036 AD) will be sinful, indulge in vain talk, and will injure the virtuous.

50. Nala: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Nala’ is gifted with good sense (intelligence), is deft or expert in the trade of things produced (or obtained from) in water, is of good character, a little wealthy, restless, and is a supporter of many.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Nala (2036-2037 AD) will be a donor endowed with many liberal virtues, tranquil and well-behaved.

51. Pingala: The native who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ named ‘Pingala’ has yellowish eyes, is the doer of reprehensible or blameworthy deeds, is of fierce or extreme nature, restless, has grandeur or majesty, is bountiful or beneficent, stupid and harsh speaking (that is, speaks bitter words), remains happy, gets fame in the battle, is handsome, the minister of the King, is honoured by many and is capable or competent (powerful).

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Pingala (2037-2038 AD) will be a saint with his mind under control and will engage in the practice of penances.

52. Kālayukthi: The native who gets birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ named ‘Kālayukthi’ derives pleasure from speaking too much without any purpose, is endowed with blamed (base) intellect, is devoid of fortune, Yama (the god of Death) incarnate when a quarrel arises and is weak bodied.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Kālayukthi (2038-2039 AD) will become an astrologer and will have fortune, enjoyment and works of beneficence.

53. Siddhārthi: The native who is born in the ‘Samvastsara’ of ‘Siddhārthi’ is generous or liberal-hearted, remains happy, gets fame in the battle, is handsome, the minister of the king, is honoured by many and is capable or competent (powerful).

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Siddhārthi (2039-2040 AD) will be successful in his undertakings, will be reverent towards spiritual preceptors and Gods and will be intelligent.

54. Raudri: The native born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Raudri’ is of horrible appearance, rears cattle, speaks ill of others, is excessively deceitful, gets a bad name, is of vicious heart and is very fierce.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Raudri (2040-2041 AD) will be a rake, perverse, proud and wicked.

55. Durmathi: The native who has birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Durmathi’ has the pride of keeping his words, remains constantly unhappy, is sensual or given to the pleasures of sex, engaged in doing base deeds and is foolish or ignorant.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Durmathi (2041-2042 AD) will be lustful, dull-witted, distressed by afflictions and base-minded.

56. Dundubhi: If there is the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Dundubhi’ at the time of birth, the native is always a recipient of honour from the King, is endowed with elephant, horse, lands and gold and is the lover of dance and songs.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Dundubhi (2042-2043 AD) will have a bodily frame distinguished by big thighs, belly, arms, and head, and will be happy.

57. Rudhirodgāri: The man who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Rudhirodgāri’, has reddish eyes, is weak-bodied perhaps due to the disease of ‘Kamla’ (Jaundice), excessively hot-tempered or prone to excessive anger, has bad nails on his hands and feet and gets wounded by some weapon.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Rudhirodgāri (2043-2044 AD) will be wise, truthful, happy and rich.

58. Raktākshi: The man who is born in the ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Raktākshi’ remains engaged in righteous (moral) and religious conduct, is extremely lustful, does not tolerate the growth of others and is always diseased or ill.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Raktākshi (2044-2045 AD) will be of a tranquil mind, fond of relatives, exceedingly fortunate and amiable.

59. Krodhana: If there is birth in the ‘Samvatsara’ named ‘Krodhana’ the native puts obstacles in the work of others, is Tamoguni’ (dominated in temperament by the quality of Tamas’. ‘Satwa’, ‘Rajas’ and Tamas’ are the three cardinal elements in man’s nature), fierce or terrible and puts others in delusion (deceives others.)

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Krodhana (2045-2046 AD) will be a rake addicted to evil ways, a hater of his relatives and devoted to brigandage.

60. Akshaya: The native whose birth occurs in the ‘Samvatsara’ named ‘Akshaya’ spends the wealth earned by him very quickly, has the tendency of serving others, is hard hearted and does not have much desire to do good deeds.

According with Jataka Parijata, the person born in the year Akshaya (2046-2047 AD) will be virtuous, cheerful, handsome, endowed with a high sense of honor and exempt from foes and ailments.


SAMVATSARA is a Sanskrit term for "year". In Hindu tradition, there are 60 Samvatsaras, each of which has a name. Once all 60 samvatsaras are over, the cycle starts over again. On occasion, one will be skipped, as the count is based on the zodiac position of Jupiter, whose period around the Sun is slightly less than 12 years (the full cycle of 60 covers five Jovian years).
The sixty Samvatsaras are divided into 3 groups of 20 Samvatsaras each. The first 20 from Prabhava to Vyaya are assigned to Brahma. The next 20 from Sarvajit to Parabhava to Vishnu and the last 20 to Shiva.
The 60 Samvatsaras are:

  1. Prabhava 1987-1988 AD 1927-1928 AD 1867-1868 AD
  2. Vibhava 1988-1989 AD 1928-1929 AD 1868-1869 AD
  3. Shukla 1989-1990 AD 1929-1930 AD 1869-1870 AD
  4. Pramoduta 1990-1991 AD 1930-1931 AD 1870-1871 AD
  5. Prajothpatti 1991-1992 AD 1931-1932 AD 1871-1872 AD
  6. Āngirasa 1992-1993 AD 1932-1933 AD 1872-1873 AD
  7. Shrīmukha 1993-1994 AD 1933-1934 AD 1873-1874 AD
  8. Bhāva 1994-1995 AD 1934-1935 AD 1874-1875 AD
  9. Yuva 1995-1996 AD 1935-1936 AD 1875-1876 AD
10. Dhāta 1996-1997 AD 1936-1937 AD 1876-1877 AD
11. Īshvara 1997-1998 AD 1937-1938 AD 1877-1878 AD
12. Bahudhānya 1998-1999 AD 1938-1939 AD 1878-1879 AD
13. Pramāthi 1999-2000 AD 1939-1940 AD 1879-1880 AD
14. Vikrama 2000-2001 AD 1940-1941 AD 1880-1881 AD
15. Vrusha 2001-2002 AD 1941-1942 AD 1881-1882 AD
16. Chitrabhānu 2002-2003 AD 1942-1943 AD 1882-1883 AD
17. Svabhānu 2003-2004 AD 1943-1944 AD 1883-1884 AD
18. Tārana 2004-2005 AD 1944-1945 AD 1884-1885 AD
19. Pārthiva 2005-2006 AD 1945-1946 AD 1885-1886 AD
20. Vyaya 2006-2007 AD 1946-1947 AD 1886-1887 AD
21. Sarvajith 2007-2008 AD 1947-1948 AD 1887-1888 AD
22. Sarvadhāri 2008-2009 AD 1948-1949 AD 1888-1889 AD
23. Virodhi 2009-2010 AD 1949-1950 AD 1889-1890 AD
24. Vikruti 2010-2011 AD 1950-1951 AD 1890-1891 AD
25. Khara 2011-2012 AD 1951-1952 AD 1891-1892 AD
26. Nandana 2012-2013 AD 1952-1953 AD 1892-1893 AD
27. Vijaya 2013-2014 AD 1953-1954 AD 1893-1894 AD
28. Jaya 2014-2015 AD 1954-1955 AD 1894-1895 AD
29. Manmatha 2015-2016 AD 1955-1956 AD 1895-1896 AD
30. Durmukhi 2016-2017 AD 1956-1957 AD 1896-1897 AD
31. Hevilambi 2017-2018 AD 1957-1958 AD 1897-1898 AD
32. Vilambi 2018-2019 AD 1958-1959 AD 1898-1899 AD
33. Vikāri 2019-2020 AD 1959-1960 AD 1899-1900 AD
34. Shārvari 2020-2021 AD 1960-1961 AD 1900-1901 AD
35. Plava 2021-2022 AD 1961-1962 AD 1901-1902 AD
36. Shubhakruth 2022-2023 AD 1962-1963 AD 1902-1903 AD
37. Shobhakruth 2023-2024 AD 1963-1964 AD 1903-1904 AD
38. Krodhi 2024-2025 AD 1964-1965 AD 1904-1905 AD
39. Vishvāvasu 2025-2026 AD 1965-1966 AD 1905-1906 AD
40. Parābhava 2026-2027 AD 1966-1967 AD 1906-1907 AD
41. Plavanga 2027-2028 AD 1967-1968 AD 1907-1908 AD
42. Kīlaka 2028-2029 AD 1968-1969 AD 1908-1909 AD
43. Saumya 2029-2030 AD 1969-1970 AD 1909-1910 AD
44. Sādhārana 2030-2031 AD 1970-1971 AD 1910-1911 AD
45. Virodhikrita 2031-2032 AD 1971-1972 AD 1911-1912 AD
46. Paridhāvi 2032-2033 AD 1972-1973 AD 1912-1913 AD
47. Pramādicha 2033-2034 AD 1973-1974 AD 1913-1914 AD
48. Ānanda 2034-2035 AD 1974-1975 AD 1914-1915 AD
49. Rākshasa 2035-2036 AD 1975-1976 AD 1915-1916 AD
50. Nala 2036-2037 AD 1976-1977 AD 1916-1917 AD
51. Pingala 2037-2038 AD 1977-1978 AD 1917-1918 AD
52. Kālayukthi 2038-2039 AD 1978-1979 AD 1918-1919 AD
53. Siddhārthi 2039-2040 AD 1979-1980 AD 1919-1920 AD
54. Raudri 2040-2041 AD 1980-1981 AD 1920-1921 AD
55. Durmathi 2041-2042 AD 1981-1982 AD 1921-1922 AD
56. Dundubhi 2042-2043 AD 1982-1983 AD 1922-1923 AD
57. Rudhirodgāri 2043-2044 AD 1983-1984 AD 1923-1924 AD
58. Raktākshi 2044-2045 AD 1984-1985 AD 1924-1925 AD
59. Krodhana 2045-2046 AD 1985-1986 AD 1925-1926 AD
60. Akshaya 2046-2047 AD 1986-1987 AD 1926-1927 AD


------ © Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary
Let me give a brief outline of the essentials. The Hindu New Year starts on Chaitra Sukla Pratipada meaning:
Pratipada: the first (lunar) day (tithi)
Sukla: the bright half (of the lunar fortnight)
Chaitra: the name of the first lunar month

What does this mean astronomically or astrologically?
Each lunar month consists of two fortnights- one bright and the other dark. Each fortnight has 15 lunar days or tithis. The Amavasya and Poornima mark the dark and full moons during these phases. The FIRST DAY of the waxing period, immediately after the Dark Moon (Sukla Pratipada), is the starting of the lunar cycle and hence the lunar month. The twelve lunar months are named after the nakshatra on the full moon day of the month. In other words the (lunar) month when the full moon is in Aswini is called Aswayuja, in Krittika is called Kartika, in Mrigasira is called Margasira and so on.
A year is known as 'Samvatsara' in Sanskrit though in the broader Upanisadic sense 'Samvatsara' means any conceivable but indeterminate unit of time . In fact 'Samvatsara' and 'Kala' are both included in the thousand names (sahasranama) of Visnu. In Saivite tradition too, Time is personified as Siva – as Mahakala, the Great (God of) Time.

The division of time is an important topic in the Puranas as well as Agamas. In its most fundamental form the division of time is based on the movement of astronomical bodies, especially the luminaries i.e. the Sun and the Moon. Astrologically speaking Hinduism recognises at least five ways of reckoning the year (Samvatsara).

1. Nakshatramana
2. Souramana
3. Chandramana
4. Savamana
5. Barhaspatyamana 


As is obvious from the names, Nakshatramana is the system of reckoning based on nakshatras. Likewise Souramana (Soura: Solar) is based on the Sun's transit of the Vernal equinox (spring time). The Sun's ingress into Mesha (Aries) marks this. In certain states of India (like Tamil Nadu) this is followed as the New Year for religious/cultural purposes.

In other states like Andhra, Maharashtra etc the New Year is celebrated according to Chandramana. Astrologically speaking Chandramana is the accepted system in Hinduism. As is obvious, Chandramana is based on the Moon. But to depict it as purely lunar is wrong. In reality it is luni-solar.

As mentioned earlier the lunar month starts with the first day (of the bright half) immediately after the Dark Moon (conjunction of the Sun and Moon) and reaches its peak during the Full Moon (when the Sun and Moon are in Opposition). Thereafter the second fortnight starts till the next conjunction of the luminaries. Thus during the month of Chaitra the full moon is in Chittra nakshatra (Virgo) while the New Moon is in Pisces (since the Sun and Moon are in conjunction at this point). In other words in the month of Chaitra the Moon and Sun are in Pisces on the first day of the month (as the Moon is 180 degrees apart on the Full Moon and the Full moon occurs in Chitta nakshatra in Virgo.

But why is Chaitra selected as the first month? It is here that the SOLAR basis enters. The New Year is on the first lunar day following the new moon nearest to the Vernal (spring) equinox, thus making it a LUNI-SOLAR system. Let me digress a bit here.

Nearly every festival in Hinduism has an astronomical basis. Most ancient cultures had festivals based on astronomical events, especially the Sun or Moon. Let us take the Sun. There are four landmarks in the Sun's journey in the heavens.

Vernal equinox
Autumnal Equinox
Summer solstice
Winter solstice 


For the purposes of this article I will deal with only the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes here. While the Hindus celebrate the first lunar day nearest to the Vernal equinox as New Year, the Jews celebrate the first lunar day nearest to the Autumnal equinox as New Year. Yet the Hindus celebrate the first nine lunar days nearest to both the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes. Both these times are sacred as the Navaratris. The first nine lunar days closest to the Spring equinox are celebrated as Vasanta (Spring) Navaratris (nine nights) while the first nine lunar days closest to Autumnal equinox are celebrated as the Sharad (Autumn) Navaratris (nine nights).

Though the Autumnal Navaratris are celebrated in a major way by all hindus as the Dusshera Navaratris, ardent worshippers of Sakti fast and chant the 'Devi Mahatmyam' during the Vasanta Navaratris too. The Hindu New Year (referred to as 'Ugadi' or 'Yugadi' in Telugu) marks the beginning of the Vasanta (spring) Navaratris and 'Sri Rama Navami' marks the climax. It is not a mere coincidence that Sri Rama Navami marks the climax of the Spring Navaratris. Among the incarnations of Visnu, Parasara identifies Sri Rama with Sun.

I hope the above clarifies the LUNI-SOLAR nature of the Hindu New Year as also the astronomical basis of the Hindu New Year and some other related points too. It also illustrates partly why only Hindu astrology is a CONTINUOUS and LIVING system among the ancient schools of astrology. Astrology is a part and parcel of every day life in India even to this day whether people realise it or not. Finally it should be mentioned that in Hindu mundane astrology, though Moon is given prime importance, Sun has never been undermined or left out. 
